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File Support Ticket link on Pedigree
01-22-2013, 05:51 AM
Post: #3
RE: File Support Ticket link on Pedigree
(01-22-2013 03:46 AM)Giuliana Verrazzano Wrote:  I remember the first time I filed a ticket and I don't think of it as a traumatic experience

The first ticket I filed was for 5 missing kitties which had got lost in the ether when being transferred from my daugters avi to mine... it was extremely traumatic, I managed to put the same id twice and miss one completely, and being new to KC at the time finding the kitty in my pedigree that I'd missed was a nightmare >.< I remember Kitten being SO fantastic at the time, but yes it was a stressful experience. I'm sure it would make the support staff's jobs much easier too!!

Fantastic idea Giu!!

This is where everyone has fancy stuff that I don't know how to do.. so.. umm.. Hi??..
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 Thanks given by: Giuliana Verrazzano
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RE: File Support Ticket link on Pedigree - fleakats Resident - 01-22-2013 05:51 AM

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