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What's up with the web server?
01-17-2013, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2013 08:02 PM by Tad Carlucci.)
Post: #8
RE: What's up with the web server?
You can differ, but you'd be wrong. The web pages are hosted by InMotion Hosting, Inc. It appears they're a virtual LAMP host .. that is a virtual computer running Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Linden Labs hosts Second Life, which has nothing at all to do with the web pages.
I'll expand on that.

Yes, there are scripts running at Linden Labs within the Second Life virtual hosts. Those scripts perform the in-world functions such as selecting the textures and shapes you see on your Second Life Client (or Firestorm or whatever), animating them, etc.

When you rez a cat in-world, it communicates via HTTP (web) requests to the KittyCatS servers, hosted by InMotion. This sends things like where it is (in case they want to track that), WHO owns it, etc. One of the main functions, when you first rez a box, is to ask the KittyCatS servers to generate the genetics and other information for the cat.

The KittyCatS servers include a MySQL (I think, it could be another SQL server) database. On that database is the actual information for every cat.

When you request a Pedigree Roster, the web server runs a PHP script which queries the local MySQL database for the list of cats you own. That list *might* be a bit out of date. For instance, if you sold a cat and the purchaser has never rezzed the cat in-world, no HTTP update from Second Life will have occurred .. so the SQL database will continue to show it on your Pedigree Roster until the purchaser does rez the cat in-world.

The Cattery is a KittyCatS server-side implementation. When you perform an operation, say mating two cats in the Cattery, that operation occurs SOLELY on the KittyCatS servers. Second Life does not participate. Why? Because a cat in the Cattery does NOT EXIST .. AT ALL .. in the Second Life environment. It's simply a collection of information wholly stored on the KittyCatS servers. "Sending a cat to the Cattery" actually involved an HTTP transaction .. informing the KittyCatS servers that the cat is to be completely hosted there .. followed by the cat completely deleting itself from the Second Life environment once it receives confirmation that the KittyCatS servers have taken over control of the cat.

The issues I'm running in to all have to do with the speed at which the Pedigree and Cattery pages are served from the KittyCatS servers. At no point do those pages interact, at all, with any Linden Labs (Second Life) services.

The chart I posted is for the main KittyCatS page. "The page" is the very first line. All the other lines are other things (Javascript, images) your web browser will need. The chart shows the time (in ms .. milliseconds .. 1/1000ths of a second) taken to load, interpret, and display, all of the parts needed to view the Home page of the KittyCatS web site.

That very first line, none of the others, are where I'm seeing problems when I'm accessing pages in the Pedigree and Cattery. It's taking a VERY long time between the point where the HTTP request is sent, and when that first line actually begins to send the response back to my web browsers. Typically, for Charms 600-or-so Pedigree, for instance, it takes only a couple of seconds. But far too often it's taking several times that long, often in excess of 10 or 15 seconds, and occasionally as long as a minute. I've investigated to eliminate possible causes on our computers here, and at all points along the Internet, up to the virtual computer actually running the KittyCatS web-based services; and I am satisfied that the issue causing the excessive delays is within those KittyCatS servers. Where in them? I can't tell because I don't have access. But the nature of the problem seems very similar many other resource-starvation issues I've seen over the decades, so I'm guessing that's where the issue lies.
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RE: What's up with the web server? - Tad Carlucci - 01-17-2013 07:23 PM

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