RE: Fair Trade
(re post from protocol tread since they are similar)
i wanted to quickly chime in to say we really appreciate all the care, consideration and discussion you all put into your cats and the community.
be it about a subject like this, or classes, breeding tips, charts, history... this community is one that is full of so many diverse people who seem to REALLY CARE about their cats, and really each other.
it's such a great thing to see. often such discussions can turn VERY ugly in other forums i've seen, yet even with some disagreement here and there and touches of sarcasm, overall this community is a pool of knowledge, caring and creative people.
thank you for all each of you contribute. it really does make for an exciting community.
also, keep in mind when reading posts... tone, voice, and all those other things can be left out. if possible remember no matter what is said, it most often comes because the person "cares". it may not be the way you care, but, if we see each other that way, we'll only continue to be stronger.
also, seeking to understand... rather than be understood many have found is a great way to have another want to understand your view too.