Updated just now!
I hope everyone can find the ideal mate to their kitty in question!
TP: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20Too...e/53/66/21
January 10, 2013
Adorable Girls
? BaliFlame RainbowPrism Flair CuriousTail
? BurmesePlat myst Plat Porcelain +3
? CreamTabby with beautiful Bronze eyes
? 9T SiameseFlame pft Platinum Glitter Rounded 2ToneMyst
Adorable Boys
? 9T RussianWhite pft RainbowPrism Illume
? BengalTawny Twinkle +2
? BalineseChoco myst GerbPurple Rounded +1
? OciChoco Plum Flair Odyboo +1