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Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one.
11-28-2012, 11:21 PM
Post: #67
RE: Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one.
I support that everyone has the right to express their opinions but I believe these opinions should be expressed in a civilized manner without attacking others or their opinions.
And I don't mean someone specifically here and if you think I mean you then you believe and know that my words apply on you and that's not my fault.

Actually there are more than one post from different people I found offensive in my opinion. But lets don't forget that "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction", and I think they just reacted naturally according to this rule without meaning to offend anyone.
And I understand that when you assume that someone is attacking you -even if it is just you feeling that- you attack back naturally, so I'm taking no sides, I'm trying to put myself in everyone's shoes to not be unfair.

Anyway no one can claim to be right all the time, listening to different opinions surely helps everyone to see things from different sides.

So please everyone calm down, listen to others and don't assume they are here just to give you a hard time, I don't think there is anyone here has a reason to dislike the others, and if you think that some have reasons to dislike you then it is probably your fault not theirs?

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RE: Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one. - Sara Franco - 11-28-2012 11:21 PM

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