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Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one.
11-27-2012, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2012 01:41 PM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #28
RE: Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one.
I just wonder who is to decide what is a constructive opinion or not?
I believe when posts are decent, meaning within TOS, there is nothing wrong with one giving an opinion in their own prefered way.
We shouldn't be to rigid about that I think.
Therefore since I see Ethereal has an opinion some people don't like it is not so much not constructive but something some people rather not hear that is something else.
To ask her to not voice her opinion at all for that reason is a bridge too far for me.
She has her own way of saying things (she already said she has a pretty straight forward way of saying things) our community knows a high variety of people and communication styles and I think since we only have the written word and not the tone of voice we need to try to give eachother at least the benefit of the doubt.
Sometimes things come off more harsh or rude but this likely has to do with the way people are used to talk, cultural difference, character and what not.
It is not perse so people who place a lot of smiley's, receive a lot of kudo's from their crowd and wrap their opinion in a sweet sounding way it is always a nicer/ better or a more constructive post it can be well hidden unkindness.
I don't believe in censure of any kind.
If something does not sound nice to you please ignore it but don't tell someone to not say anything at all just because they have a different way of speaking than you have.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

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 Thanks given by: Ethereal Hurricane , Bea Shamrock
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one. - Kayleigh McMillan - 11-27-2012 01:10 PM

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