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Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one.
11-27-2012, 11:05 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2012 11:06 AM by Saga Felix.)
Post: #26
RE: Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one.
-I will repeat one of the points I made in the original thread about this ages ago - AND at the same time, I will claim that this would be hugely beneficial to the market, and the community as a whole:

"Another point in this is this: With new traits coming out ever so often, long-term breeding projects, even if you manage the the BEST damn breeding anyone could possibly do, simply don't pay off.
LUCK is what runs it - are you the one to get that starter / special edition that hides the fancy new stuff? THEN you are golden. -Whereas you can take these new traits and start breeding them together + with nice furs, other traits, combining them etc., but with the 14 days it takes for each generation to even get their FIRST kitten, there is NO way we can keep up with the release of new traits.

I wish good breeding was the way to go... I wish I could say that my best bred cat ever was worth as much as that starter that earned me 50k in 3 weeks because it happened to hide a fur that was sought after at the time. I wish it was about figuring out stuff + some luck... and not PURE luck."

(EDIT to add the link to the above post: http://www.kittycats.biz/forum/showthread.php?tid=2363 )

-This also results in nice traits and furs being "forgotten" rather quickly. The stuff that is new right now, will be out of fashion and SO last year as soon as the Xmas-kitties hit the market in just a month - and since we haven't really had the chance to really work with it, as most of the time is spent on the kittens growing up, most people will abandon what they're doing and start new projects with the new and fancy furs & traits by then. -And so the cycle continues.

Oh, and to the few that insinuates that those who suggests things will never be happy anyway, let me say: When I started in KittyCatS, there were 3 major things I wished would change: Unpack-time, gender on boxes, and the kittens' time to grow up. 3 things. 2 of them have already happened, and I think we can all agree that those are good things, and that KittyCatS fixed these things brilliantly.
-I am sure that this last thing would also be a good thing, but I do not think it will happen. Why? Well, simply because too many people disagree, and I don't think KittyCatS would force a change that could split the community.
-But even if I think it's unlikely to happen, I will stand by the last of "my 3 wishes" any time :-)


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 Thanks given by: Khea Karas , WaxDragon Resident , Dimpz Morane , Devilness Chant
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RE: Asking, pleading for kittys to gain love from day one. - Saga Felix - 11-27-2012 11:05 AM

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