Since the price of eggs in China is simply so outrageous, I have decided to drastically lower the prices on my KittyCats for now.
I have: ALL the 2012 Halloween cats & some of their offspring, Bengal Tawnies, a Toy Bengal Le Tigre, a few toy sized cats, Double Dip Flora, Ody Burst, Passion & Fancie Pink Eyes & more!
I also reduced the prices on my autumn pedigrees by half.
Come look & help save the starving KittyCats in China!!
I put down my book, The Meaning of Zen, & see the cat smiling into her fur
as she delicately combs it with her rough pink tongue.
Cat, I would lend you this book to study but it appears you have already read it.
She looks up & gives me her full gaze.
Don't be ridiculous, she purrs, I wrote it.
Dilys Laing-"Miao"