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FrankenKitties up for trade! ((Found someone to trade with! Ty!))
10-10-2012, 07:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2012 08:41 AM by Giuliana Verrazzano.)
Post: #1
Wink FrankenKitties up for trade! ((Found someone to trade with! Ty!))
Hi everyone!
I Have Blue (f), Pink (f), Purple (m) and Green (two m) Frankenkitties to spare.

Ideally i would love to trade them for mummies but if you are in need of one of these I would be happy to trade so you can have a full set (or to get you closer to have it)

Please answer this thread or IM me in world to arrange the trade.

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FrankenKitties up for trade! ((Found someone to trade with! Ty!)) - Giuliana Verrazzano - 10-10-2012 07:26 AM

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