
Today, 07:30 AM
(This post was last modified: Today 08:22 AM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: Build-a-cat
Opps. Apparently Charm used my computer while I was out of town last month.
Anyway. Since Charm and I are rarely on any more, if someone would like to take over maintaining the web page, it's not that hard. All you need is a Github account. If you're familiar with using git and Github, it should only take a couple minutes to bring you up to speed. If you're not familiar, it might take another 10 minutes or so.
I don't mind doing it. But, hey, I'm an old man and, whlie I'll probably continue for the next 10 oto 20 years, I won't last forever. So if there's someone a bit less long in the tooth who'd be interested, hit me up. here is fine, or tad@tad-carlucci.com should work. (If not, I have a bazillion other aliases ...)
commit bfdcc677bc9dfcac14b483827e2b05784168e856
Date: Fri Mar 14 09:21:00 2025 -0500
New Traits 14MAR2025
Added Fur:
Chateau Cat - Cocoa Puff No. 1
Added Fur: Chateau Cat - Huckle Puff No. 1
Added Fur: Shabby Tabby - Midnight
Added Fur: Shabby Tabby - Overcast
Added Eye Color: Aquarium
Added Eye Color: Aubergine
Added Eye Color: Bear Kiss
Added Eye Color: Bubblegum
Added Eye Color: Crimson
Added Eye Color: Deep Dive
Added Eye Color: Faded Night
Added Eye Color: Fern
Added Eye Color: Magic Mountain
Added Eye Color: Odyssey Pumpkin Poo
Added Eye Color: Orange Dream
Added Ear Shape: Pixie Big Boo Boo
Added Ear Shape: Pixie Odyssey Fold No. 2
Added Whisker Color: Black Tipped Grey
Added Whisker Color: Bubblegum Tipped Black
Added Whisker Color: Bubblegum Tipped White
Added Whisker Color: Periwinkle Tipped Black
Added Whisker Color: Tuscan Terra Tipped Black
Added Whisker Color: Tuscan Terra Tipped White
Bump version
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