Firstly, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for even taking the time to read this!
Recently, a friend and fellow KittyCatS fan unexpectedly lost her real life son, Connor. In addition to the heartache she faces right now, there is also the financial burden of his final expenses to bear.
KumikoTaikomachi, Ana Starlight, and myself are working hard to quickly organize an auction for this coming Friday, 26 July at 6PM SLT, with the intent to donate all of our tips towards Connor's final expenses.
If you would like to bring a cat to this auction - and please note all we ask is that in lieu of tipping any auctioneer, you instead place those funds into a tipjar with all funds being diverted to Khaos - then please reach out to me in world, or KumikoTaikomachi.
Alternatively, just go set up a cat at this stage while there are panels available: - or here's a taxi:
If the time of the auction is bad, but you'd still like to put up a cat, you may reach out to me in world, and pass me the cat, give me the opening bid, and let me know if you have any other notes, etc.
If you are an auctioneer, and you'd like to donate some of your time to help us call panels, that would also be welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read this! May you all be blessed.