(07-07-2024 09:47 AM)Songdog Woolley Wrote: MaryJane, this is interesting, as you know. From my perspective, just looking at the pedigree, we could be close to placing the eye, IF indeed this kitten does hide Sea Green. I'd pull the hidden on any kitten showing Ody Ribbit from this pairing: you said you'd only gotten kittens showing Ody Ribbit and hiding Ody Tuscan Dream (?) - have you pulled all the eyes from those Ody Ribbit kittens? Did any siblings show Sea Green, and if so, were any tested? Inquiring minds want to know... ;-)
Here are her babies, all of them pulled Ody Ribbit. I don't think the sea green is back there, but I could be wrong. Out of four babies I'd think one would pull the sea green/hiding Ody Ribbit if it were possible because the other combo that's pulling seems to be Ody Ribbit hiding Ody Tuscan Dream. So I'm curious if anyone has pulled the Sea Green showing with a probably Ody Ribbit hider as well. I still have a girl and boy to possibly test if it's hiding, but afraid it may only be proof of Ody Ribbit hiding more Ody Tuscan Dream.