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Fun with Breeding "Advice", "Tips", Tricks and Superstitions :)
09-24-2012, 03:10 PM
Post: #22
RE: Fun with Breeding Advice, Tips, and Tricks
Hiya guys! Smile

So I've read both threads that were started about the topic of "breeding tips and tricks". It looks like the other one has taken a path that's a bit more on the technical aspects (the math, scripting, inner workings, etc.) and this one was started with the intention of keeping it lighthearted and funny. Like wearing lucky pants, or keeping happiness high, etc.

I think it would be a good idea to keep the technical jargon in the other thread, just so we're not duplicating conversations or confusing people. I'm also going to change the titles of both threads to make it easier to separate the two. Smile

Please remember to be respectful to one another, and keep it positive! I encourage you guys to find constructive ways of expressing differing opinions, rather than denigrating, belittling or condescending one another. No one likes that!

Oh and for my "helpful tip"...I get a lot of customers that complain their cats are not breeding. No matter how I try to explain that there's nothing I can do to force them to breed, and that it just takes patience, there's always doubt and a customer will look to me pleadingly to make their cats breed. So I do things like put the cats in and out of Pose mode, Low Prim states, reset Home, move them away from Home and have them Jump back, etc. Just the action of looking like I am doing SOMETHING I think is reassuring to an anxious customer. Smile Thank goodness our cats have great dispositions or they might be mad at me for messing with their menus while they're trying to get it on! Wink

There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!
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 Thanks given by: Devilness Chant , Sara Franco , Bea Shamrock , AmoreJade Cyberstar
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Fun with Breeding Advice, Tips, and Tricks - Kitten Longmeadow - 09-24-2012 03:10 PM
Teacup+Teacup=Teacup - Kayleigh McMillan - 12-04-2012, 08:58 AM

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