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suspended animation frozen box?
04-18-2011, 10:13 AM
Post: #1
Wink suspended animation frozen box?
I was wondering is there a way of creating a box, so we can place our kittens (one at a time) inside that would stop all animations, food & milk intake etc.?
Basically it would "freeze" your kitty inside this "box". I have seen something like this with "sheep" where it seems to "Freeze" them. I'm not sure if this is attainable for kitties, but it would be nice to have something, even if, it was for a limited time (like a count down timer) before the "box" vanished. Would be great for auctions, resale etc.
Save on food/milk costs, so we can continue to feed our babies at home to breed.
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suspended animation frozen box? - Denim Dollinger - 04-18-2011 10:13 AM

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