RE: Lets dream
I'm not at all being realistic, mainly because I still have yet to breed my first set of kitties as
mine are still too young and mainly also because, as the topic title says, I'm dreaming (and I
love to dream).
These would be my 2 dream kitties I think (could always change but never know):
Fur: Abyssinian Blue
Eyes: Ice Crystal, Grape Ice or Odyssey Sorbet (which by the way I don't see listed on the eyes
page but I know it exists because one of my kitties has them) (Shape: Mysterious / Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural (I think but then I'm not sure what's out there)
Tail: Plush
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Plush
Size: I'm not picky
Fur: Siamese Flame
Eyes: Odyssey Sorbet (Shape: Mysterious / Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Curious
Ears: odyssey boo boo
Whiskers: Plush
Size: Not Picky