(08-27-2012 02:09 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: I totally try to pack them with shown and hidden!! I love hearing from you how they are doing also!
I don't have the Ebony Silver I have the Blue with fussy but I'll let you know when I might have some I am willing to part with LOL <33
The Blue oh yes, that's right *face palms*!
I love the Oci Blue by their pale brown fur with burned feet and nose só cute
In fact it is my favorite Oci ...
Nods nods we should talk when you are ready for it
These are far family of your kitties
As you see, eventhough they hide prism I try to preserve their precious Mercury eyes as the Lilac had I bought from you because these eyes are just made for them.
The only thing I added in the Mercury line are the black whiskers.
In an other line I breed Gerbera Blue in them.
OMG they look so fabulous! I love what you have been able to pull out with them!