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02-16-2020, 10:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2020 10:53 PM by Colleen McConaught.)
Post: #2
AIRSHIP AUCTION starts on SAT. Feb 22nd @ 3:30!!!
There are still some panels available for FREE!! Grab one, have a look and join the Raffle kitty, it is a RomantiCatS! - Good Knight - 50L per play.

(02-06-2020 06:03 AM)Colleen McConaught Wrote:  Hello kittycats-lovers.

From 22.02.2020 we will have another new auction at KittylipsKittycats Market at 3:30 PM SLT.
Celia put out a stunning, impressing stage in an Airship.
Please come and have a look, set up your kitty for the first auction up there in the sky and become part of a great crowd.

We will have the same rules as you know from KittylipsKittycats Market:
- you must be owner of at last one parent of the kitty which you want to sell
- startbid minimum: 300L
- one kitty per auction
- take care you set up the opposite gender if a kitty with the same fur is already set
- siblings are allowed to be set on one panel
- to proxy you will have to choose one of your friends which can be present at the auction
- I can proxy too, but only for 2 kitties per auction

We have
* a raffle board
* Fishbowl
* Prize Giver
and for sure a lot of fun.

Questions? Feel free to ask me (Colleen McConaught) or Celia (kittylips2012)
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AIRSHIP AUCTION starts on SAT. Feb 22nd @ 3:30!!! - Colleen McConaught - 02-16-2020 10:51 PM

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