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Breeding Halloween Kitties
01-06-2020, 10:52 PM
Post: #5
RE: Breeding Halloween Kitties
(10-31-2019 07:16 PM)Ellen Ireland Wrote:  Got a special baby and she's a megapuss born on Halloween, a VampireGhosts Eternally Blue Girl! I should have a picture soon.
(Edited: I can't get a decent in-world picture of her because her face just doesn't rez. It might be my connection, which is always wonky. I'm putting her through her paces by putting her in various low-prim modes including basket, can, image, and 2D cat to try to get that face to rez and she just won't. Stubborn kitty!)

I have to confess I couldn't love my Vampire Kitty. I tried, truly I did. He was a hubba tubba, too, and I realized he was rare and I should keep him but he so creeped me out and so bothered me I had to put him for sale.

Did you see that they cry tears of BLOOD??? I mean, honestly. You have to like vampires. I think there is a constituency for this in SL. But I'm not in it.
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RE: Breeding Halloween Kitties - Ivy Norsk - 10-23-2019, 07:22 AM
RE: Breeding Halloween Kitties - Prokofy Neva - 01-06-2020 10:52 PM

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