Hello everyone. Sorry this is a day later, but I was not feeling well last night and the results showed nothing new. Round 3 was just as odd as the first 2. But here is what I got.
So like I said No help LOL But thankfully Ivy had me open the kittens from round 1, which I did and so far have 1 kitten, the others are a few days behind.
So if I understand this correctly, this kinda the fact that the American Short hair was hiding behind the Purple Kiwi proves that the purple Kiwi is Dominant to the American SH Tawny & White. The others a few days behind and I will update you when that is done.
and in case anyone wanted to double check, because I know I did.
I wish I could go back further. But I did have this Bengal's parents and the only thing I ever pulled from them was a few Siamese - Chocolate Tortie
Mom -
Dad -