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ALL CLEAR - all systems seem normal
05-28-2019, 10:42 AM
Post: #1
ALL CLEAR - all systems seem normal
Hi all! Things seem to be working so we're going to announce an "all clear" for now. The store is open and vendors are working so you can buy food, etc. We are replying to open tickets now. There are a lot so bear with us as we work through them. Thank you all for your patience during this time! The KittyCatS Community rocks!

There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!
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 Thanks given by: Eiji Kokorin , samsyfurwolf Resident , Luckylady Llewellyn
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ALL CLEAR - all systems seem normal - Kitten Longmeadow - 05-28-2019 10:42 AM

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