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St. Patrick's Surprise! (FIXED)
03-17-2019, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2019 06:57 PM by Kitten Longmeadow.)
Post: #1
St. Patrick's Surprise! (FIXED)
The issue has been fixed!

Hi All!

The issue where some of you bred a cat without a St. Patrick's day hat is solved now...

All cats bred as of this point will wear it.

If your cat missed out on the hat in the past day, just send it to the Cattery and back and the hat will appear!

Sorry for the inconvenience.



From March 17-21, your cats can breed a kitty wearing a special St. Patrick's Day hat!

Right now the special births seem to only work for kittens bred in the Cattery* and the hat can't be seen until the kitten is born. So to get the special hat please do the following:

1. Get a Dock from our store here. Rez it out at home.
2. Send your breeding pair to the Cattery and wait for them to have a box.
3. When your cats have a box, it will appear in your box tab: https://kittycats.ws/online/#your_boxes
4. Find your box on the above page, hover your mouse over the box and click the Unpack button. This will birth your cat and send it to your Girls or Boys tab.
5. Click your Dock and select Get Cat, then Go to page. Your browser will open a new page showing your cats in the Cattery.
6. Find your new kitten (sorting by Age helps), and click on it. The kitten will appear on your Dock in world and you can see if it is wearing the hat!

If you want to re-pack your kitten after checking for the hat:
1. Get a Re-packer here.
2. Rez the Re-Packer next to your kitten and click it, then follow the menu prompts to pack your kitten back into a box.

If you already had a kitten born today and it did not get a hat, please send us a ticket at https://kittycats.ws/support/ so we can follow up with you. Smile

We've let the development team know about the issues with cats born in world so they can look into it but hopefully the above info will be helpful!

*The kitten must have been BRED in the Cattery. You can unpack/birth it in the Cattery or in-world but if it was not BRED in the Cattery, it will not have the hat right now.

There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!
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 Thanks given by: BessTudor Resident , Jelly Supply , AstridSolace Resident , Sannctuary Resident , New2017 Resident
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St. Patrick's Surprise! (FIXED) - Kitten Longmeadow - 03-17-2019 02:45 PM

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