My Burmilla-Lilac lines go back to the starter I discovered Burmilla-Lilac on.
This is the line going back from Charlie's (the first Burm - Choc Caramel) grandfather.
All the rest of the lines go back to Eadie Superstar (the starter who hid Burmilla-Lilac). It will be page after page of posting pedigrees to show all Charlie's Burmilla-Lilac ancestors. If either Arwen or anyone else involved with Kittycats Proofs wishes to come and click through the pedigree of Charlie or one of my other Burm - Choc Caramels just let me know.
My Burm-Choc Caramels and the starter have now had Burm-Choc Caramel offspring with 10 different Burmilla-Lilac parents, all from the same line down from Eadie Superstar.