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KittyCatS SL15B Decor Contest - Applications Open!
06-06-2018, 10:05 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2018 05:16 PM by Kitten Longmeadow.)
Post: #1
KittyCatS SL15B Decor Contest - Applications Open!
Decorate a space for our KittyCatS SL15B sim! This year SL15B's theme is "Crystal" for the Crystal Anniversary!

Fast Facts:
• The contest will be held at our KittyCatS SL15B sim
• Every participant will get 150 prims to decorate.
• Decorating will be from June 15th through June 17th. You will be given a sample display to use ahead of time to plan your decorating.
Sim opens on June 18th to the public. Sim opening was slightly delayed - It will open June 19th to the public!
• Winners will be chosen by a KittyCatS! judging panel.
• Winners will be announced on June 29th!

The KittyCatS SL15B Sim will be open from June 19th through July 2nd.

Prizes are:
1st Prize 25,000 K$
2nd Prize 18,750 K$
3rd Prize 12,500 K$

Winners will also be invited to display their scenes at the KittyCatS store sim during the month of July!

Rules for participation:
- One stall per person. (no alts)
- At least one KittyCatS cat has to be in the scene
- PG content
- By participating in this event you agree to the above.

Note: We invite you to use your creativity and imagination as you set up your place. Imagine others taking a peek into a scene you create!

If you want to participate in the contest please send a notecard with your avatar name to Kitten Longmeadow so she can set you up. Only the first 20 applicants will be selected, and spaces fill up fast, so be sure to send your notecard in ASAP!

There are limited places available so apply fast! Participants will be contacted no later than June 12 with their space assignments and decorating information.

There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!
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KittyCatS SL15B Decor Contest - Applications Open! - Kitten Longmeadow - 06-06-2018 10:05 AM

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