RE: Pedigree Suggestion
What a great idea! I have barely even started and I already wish we had this option. Even trying to copy the grandparents/parents info to use for records gets aggravating when the system thinks you are trying to view that cat's pedigree. I've found it especially frustrating when two kitties are both carrying the same visible trait as the offspring so you have no earthly idea what they could be hiding (although I guess this is a fun little surprise for some). I also definitely agree with Rayne and was thinking of something similar as I read through. Perhaps the system could be set as default not showing the owner's name and if you happen to be the kind of person who doesn't mind getting questions or contact from breeders further down your lineage then you could opt in to show your name. Setting the default to not show will ensure the best privacy for those who may not know about the settings but wouldn't want their names shown.