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Grimm's Forest with Rayne and Navaar Thursday 6PM SLT
01-04-2018, 03:01 PM
Post: #1
Star Grimm's Forest with Rayne and Navaar Thursday 6PM SLT
Thursdays @ 6pm - Grimm's Forest w/ Rayne & Navaar @ CatTales!

This Auction has 12 Panels!

Current Line Up:

✯ 9T Sibling Pair Maine Coon Plush Calico Washed
✯ 9T M Pandie Platinum w Pixie Point
✯ 9T F Abyssinian Ruddy w Tranquility
✯ 7T M DogCat! - Tonkinese Natural Mink w Chocolate Tipped Flame
✯ PurrBallS! - Ornamental Orange Perma-Pet
✯ 8T Balinese Flame Lynx w Pomegranate
✯ 9T Abyssinian Dark Chocolate w Lucky Irish Clover
✯ 3T M DogCat! - Genesis Ginger II w Destiny Waters
✯ 4T F DogCat! - Toyger Coal w Serenity
✯ 6T F Abyssinian Lilac w Tufted TOY
✯ HeLL-O-Kitteh - faLLen AngeLS - Tie Die Boy
✯ 9T Siamese Chocolate w Opaline
✯ Russian Black breeding pair

Raffle Kitty - 50L to Enter!!
✯9T M Burmilla Chocolate w Onyx & 9T F Burmilla Chocolate w Exotic Journey✯

So come on down and take a look!

~ Nᴀᴠᴀᴀʀ ~
Designer & Owner of Bluefish Bay

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Grimm's Forest with Rayne and Navaar Thursday 6PM SLT - Navaar Resident - 01-04-2018 03:01 PM

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