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KittCatS! Halloween Custom Collar Contest - results!
10-31-2017, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2017 12:19 PM by Priestess Firanelli.)
Post: #22
RE: KittCatS! Halloween Custom Collar Contest - results!
First I would like to say congrats to all the winners. There was so many nice collars and I do love these contests Smile

I do not think that anyone feels bitterness against anyone else that was in this contest. Maybe the reason is that people do not understand the rules. At least I know I don't. Lets say you win the public votes and that would give you 10 points (according to what Callie just mentioned) ..so even if you don't get ANY jury votes (which would be unlikely for the collars that had most public votes) you would still end up in third place right? Third place went to others with 8 points. So unless there hasn't been anyone disqualified from the contest I am not sure I understand. I think a clarification would be great so everyone understands until next contest Smile

Thanks again KC and to all you lovely and creative people! Smile

Tess Firanelli

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RE: KittCatS! Halloween Custom Collar Contest - results! - Priestess Firanelli - 10-31-2017 12:16 PM

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