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Frustration in the Cattery! (Let's rant ;))
07-07-2012, 08:22 PM
Post: #42
RE: Frustration in the Cattery! (Let's rant ;))
My rant they eat food entirely too fast in cattery no menagire button in the cattery....having to pull out kitties to send them to be free makes me batty. Other then those 2 complaints, I love the kittycats peoplesHeart

(05-07-2012 07:43 AM)Saga Felix Wrote:  Warning: This is a rant. Nothing more, nothing less... Just a little glimpse into my personal kitty-frustration just now ;-)

Yesterday, I unboxed 2 kittens. They were both female, and I cried Sad Why? Well, here goes:

Many of you know who Ozzy is - he is an 8-traited Ocicat Tawny with Odyssey Rainbow eyes, rounded ears and full of cuteness. The only trait he lacks to have them all is a shade. But the week after I had Ozzy, I also had his cousin - a NINE-traited tawny with all that Ozzy has + shade.
Ozzy was my first "near-perfect" Ocicat Tawny, and he is now 150 days old - that means I have been near "perfection" in my Tawny-breeding for FIVE months. Ozzy's grand-dad, with whom it all started, is 210 days old. So, for 7 months I have been breeding for this, and 5 months ago, I had it!

Since then, I have obviously bred out numerous 8- and 9-traited Ocicat Tawnies with these traits. The pedigrees are a bit confusing because I no longer own half of those cats, but I estimate that I had roughly 12-15 9-traited Tawnies in this time - maybe even more.

And here's why I cry: THEY ARE ALL GIRLS!!!! Each and every damn kitten is a girl! EACH ONE! *cries again* Sad
-So when both my tawny-pairs made 9-traiters yesterday and I unboxed them both - yes, I cried when I saw they were girls.
I had all kinds of plans with these tawnies - add better shade, better whiskers, odyssey no. 2 ears etc.... But I juuuust wanted a breeding pair of 9-traiters first. Shouldn't be so hard, right? Well, it turns out it is - and yes, now I have no less than 3 absolutely awesome, but utterly useless girls sitting around - again. One from last week, two from this week.
When will it end? Will it ever? IF I ever get a boy, will my girls be near retiring? -And will I then get ONLY boys? Should I save one or more of these younger girls, in case I never get a girl again? -And then what to do with the "semi-old" girls? Kick a 9-traited Tawny to menagerie at the age of 65? Seems like quite a bit of a waste... Heck, I could also just give up on the entire project and kick them ALL to menagerie. Keep Ozzy, of course, as a bitter-sweet memory of back when my tawnies still gave me fun & joy Confused

The speculation and frustration sees no end these days - especially because my tawnies are far from the only problem. My aby. black silver are BOYS only - I have 8- and 9-traiters by now, all boys. Only girl ever is a poorly traited one with genesis eyes... And my porcelain-bengals are boys only, too - etc.etc. - same problem with many families + pairs in my cattery. They make nothing but wrong genders these days, and have been for weeks and months.

Only bright side in my gender-frustration these days are my Choco Lynxes. They made girl + boy, whoa! But while that made me happy, I must admit that the endless number of kittens with "wrong" genders outweigh it these days. By far.
I seriously need some good news in my cattery - gender-wise.

I still really wish we get genders on boxes some time. Sure, I'd still get wrong genders here and there, but they wouldn't eat food and take prims and be source of QUITE this amount of frustration. Right now, I have at least 65 prims and a food-cost of 1-1½ k per month of USELESS cats... Juuust in case I get the right gender next week... Argh!! Been saying that too long now....

So there... this was my rant - what is YOUR big frustration these days? Let out the steam - maybe it helps ;-)

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RE: Frustration in the Cattery! (Let's rant ;)) - Dragomira Resident - 07-07-2012 08:22 PM

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