RE: Genesis 2017 Furs
Thanks Ivy. Heres hoping Patch II is the most recessive of the Gen 7's but I doubt we will get that lucky, esp since I have one I am hoping hides Mocha II. My cats seem to (hopefully) be hiding the Mocha II more but until I pull it back out it might just be my Mocha II passing her hid. I have retasked The Ginger II hiding Mocha II from the proof above as its a guaranteed Genesis pass. Shes actually running against my Patch II on Monday so a Patch II baby would mean dom to Mocha II.
Also just because the 2 Mocha II females aren't running this week and I have 2 Flame V boys sat in my cattery I was using for eye tests I'm doing for Kaylas Library, I'll run those against each other and see what pops out. Retasking them before they go to the Menagerie.
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