RE: Pedigree Suggestion
To me, the issue of removing names from the Pedigree pages is akin to the issue surrounding removing viewer-ID from Second Life viewers. While the concept was good, it turned out to lead to bad feelings and even griefing. While I don't think the problem would be nearly so bad for KittyCatS, I've seen some comments over the past months which make be believe the potential is there, and probably actually did occur occasionally. To me, even if most of us never see any griefing due to the names being shown on the Pedigree, the potential is there.
That said, at present, this is really only a problem between buyer and seller. It's not an issue for the Pedigree-view script (whether as a separate prim, as it is now, or included in the cat/box itself) .. if you're where you an see the cat, you already know the owner. That distinction definitely reduces the potential for bad effects.