RE: Pricing: Food for thought!
To weigh in on this thread again! The market has flat lined from what I can see. There are several causes for this! A perfect storm in my opinion happened and all the cards aligned. The market might slowly recover but I don't think it will ever be as strong as it once was. The main problem people face now is XYZ new trait is found. Its the only trait breeders want... trait is super expensive and exclusive for 2-3 months. Then Another breeder gets it at auction.... they start selling the offspring off for a little less then they paid for the cat... so forth and so on until the cats value is gone!. This makes since its a simple supply and demand Scenario. Its what happened with toygars.
The other thing I am starting to notice is people cutting back on there breeding amounts. I don't mean mega breeders going from 100-200 cats to 50-60. I mean more like people leaving completely or pairing down there breeding to 1-2 pair. The same reasons as above sighted food cost + milk which can become outrageous quickly. Then the other thing is once you do get the cat you love parting with 1500 or 1800 lindens to turn it into a perm pet is just to high!. I think KC needs to step back re evaluate what there pricing looks like. They still have the best customer service in the industry and most of SL but that will only take you so far. I totally understand wanting to make perm petting a cat special but on the same token this isn't a new breedable its been around a while.. and keeping customers interested and enjoying is important! My suggestion right now to stimulate the market is give cats value! rate them on a scale of how rare the traits on a given cat and how common the trait is in the market. Sure people will spend less on food and what not but they might not be as quick to go look for greener pastures! Happy customer is a spending customer. Then allowing people to perm more pets is always a good thing. People grow attached to there pixels and if they feel they can't have there pixels for a reasonable price... they will move on and find pixels else where to grow attached to.
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