(04-01-2017 06:59 AM)Ellen Ireland Wrote: There is no menagerie store, other than the area in the KittyCats mainstore where certain specific cats can be purchased with menagerie K$.
If you want to buy a "menagerie cat" (only certain types of cats can be purchased this way) you can buy them inworld at the KittyCats store with your menagerie K$.
The availability of cats for purchase using menagerie K$ is not based on size but on type. Within the type, let's say white tiger for example, you can buy a megapuss or a toy or a teacup as long as you have enough menagerie K$.
Thanks, that's the precise answer I was looking for. I don't recall such an area at this store where I literally have been a hundred times in two years, but I'll look again. I'm glad you've explained the most important thing -- there isn't any online store despite the presence of the menagerie *itself* being online.
(04-02-2017 06:05 AM)Lixy Byron Wrote: Here's a picture with all the sizes!
![[Image: KittyCatS%20Sizes_zps8pymjbhn_1.jpg]](http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah213/lixybyron/KittyCatS%20Sizes_zps8pymjbhn_1.jpg)
Thanks that's a handy picture.
(04-01-2017 03:58 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote:
Remember back in 2004 when you sold me that first piece of land in Ravenglass and
you told me that 1024 plot was never going to satisfy me??
And I ended up buying six more?????
Yah, I have a whole friggin SIM now.
Thats gonna be you. And once you breed those four you will end up with
1024 in your cattery! Its the nature of the kittycats BEAST!!
Unlike land however you dont have to wait around for a Linden to
fly in and remove a replicating griefer device from the sky over your house.
( do they even do that any more???)
These things tend to run pretty well and if they dont KittyCatS have very
good customer service and pretty much find lost cats and fix borked units
Welcome aboard comrade, nice to see your still around.
I have a shoppe as well, you know my number, gimme a shout,
we'll hook up and see if we can get you squared away.
Hi, Winter!
Yes, I remember that conversation. And I had pets banned on that sim for the longest time because it was so crowded and I thought it might get laggy, but while I was gone my son let them on and now there's no stopping it.
I don't think I'll get to "1024". I started out with two cats that were given to me by a tenant and for more than a year I didn't do anything with cats, I just had those two, with breeding turned off. Then we got some of those SL13 anniversary ranch cats to put on this area I call the Hacienda, also with breed turned off, who wants to pay for all that food, I already have fairies and sion chickens, it's enough.
Then when I started this themed sim called A Shaman's Hut, I had two expensive rare EVO reindeer fairies and each died because I couldn't figure out the somewhat complicated food system fast enough. I then stumbled on the fact that there are "reindeer kitties" and got one which is named Olenochka (little reindeer in Russian). She has antlers and she "rains" because she is a "rain deer". You can also turn your avatar into one like hers and sled around. Then somehow I found a blue cat that I thought looked good with that one. I then decided to breed them. Would they breed more like themselves? No, of course not, it didn't work that way. They bred a lot of gingers LOL.
So now I have a half dozen of them I think but they and their offspring are going to the menagerie. I have a Bigger da Big, a teacup, a normal of course so I just want to get a "petite" or some other exotic one and I'll be done, but along the way I want to see "how they turn out". I don't think I'll be buying any now, the raindeer was hugely expensive!
It's interesting to see the random names generated for them and I keep some of them on that basis alone.
From my experience as a landlord -- and I've seen LOTS of these KittyCats because lots of people have them -- most people don't tend to put out like 6 or 12 or 50, as they do with other kinds of breedables. Instead, they form more of a real attachment to 2 or 3 or 4 at the most. They don't turn their apartments into breedable barns, but homes. I sometimes get people making barns out of a small cabin or inexpensive sky loft and I'll find like 50 Meeros or horses or *things* I don't even know the name of in the sky lagging the sim. But the KittyCats owners tend generally not to mass breed and cull them (as we used to do in The Sims Online). They form attachments for whatever reason -- perhaps someone special gave them the cat, perhaps it reminds them of a real cat, perhaps they liked its name or look -- and they stick with that cat for a long time. It seems to me quite a few don't breed them, so as not to have the problem of food and prims or the emotional shock of sending them to the menagerie. Some people might have several rentals, one with their home base and their basic cats they keep, and another site where they breed them to either sell or give away or find one they like.