Pricing: Food for thought!
03-08-2017, 04:57 AM
RE: Pricing: Food for thought!
Yes, each Permapet Potion costs at least 6 RL dollars. So you are adding 6 to that 40 dollar kitty... Not to mention, if you have more cats you want to permapet, as many do, that is 6 times the amount of cats you have. And that is figuring 120 permapet, the other is 300L more, which is about 1.50 USD
(03-07-2017 02:27 AM)JessicaArianaHamby Resident Wrote: I thought I'd throw my two cents into this
I am not really sure the stagnation has anything to really do with the servers. Yes, it's a pain when they go down, but, at the same time, everything goes down once in a while. Every breedable, even SL itself has issues. For that matter, one's own private internet connection will sometimes have issues. There are too many variables for that not to happen. Different routers, providers, etc...
One thing i have to say about pricing. I always believed, if you are in it to make big money, then breedables are just not the way to go. No matter what. In every breedable out there, like Jennifer said, there is a lot of supply. However, I think there is more to it...
I touched on this on another topic. I hate to say this, because I really really REALLY love these cats. But honestly, at the end of the day, am I really going to spend 40 RL dollars on a virtual cat.... Keeping in mind that 40 dollars will feed me for several days.... It will put two tanks of gas in my car. It will purchase for me, 2+ full video games. Granted, there are rich people out there... But I think a lot of people in SL are like me. Living day to day, hoping they will have enough money IRL.... lol
But then, there are other issues when it comes to buying cats in SL.... If you are like me, you are buying your cat with the intention to keep said cat, and not menagerie.... So this means, in addition to the cost of the cat, you have to tack on yet another 1,500L to permapet said cat..... add 300 more L if you permapet that cat before it reaches 120 days old. So, when one purchases a cat, they are not just purchasing the cat for X amount of cost, but then they have to tack on an additional 1,500L for said cat (at least).
I personally would really like to see KittyCats do what other breedables are doing... Once the cat reaches a certain age, it auto permapets for free.... If they do this, this will make KittyCats much more enjoyable, more affordable, and more attractive to people (as they won't be saying, "if I want to keep this cat, I have to fork over another 1,500L for a cat I spent 4,000 for!") If not free, then reduce the price significantly. Maybe raise perma to 2,000, and lower perma 120 to an affordable 400L or something like that. Maybe even keep it the same as it is now, but make the cats auto permapet at 200 days of age (they can even make it 200 days of age of eating).
I personally have a store. However, I only have a store to sell the surplus of cats that I have that I will never birth. I breed for megapuss. Which means I breed the same cats together until I get the megapuss that I want. That is just how I do it. I do not breed for profit. In fact, for a long time, I refused to sell any in fear they would be menageried. However, it hit me, that it is better to take that risk, then to keep all these cats in boxes forever. So, I sell the ones that I have a lot of extra of, and know that I will be making more of in order to get the mega that I want so badly.
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