this is actually Jhan's chart, note mine
It proves Blueberry is dominant to Orangeberry so it's a good confirmation. Now just need one for Plumberry re Orangeberry and that section will be set.
Mom Martiza shows Blueberry
Both her paretns show Blueberry
Dad Geoffrey shows Cocoberry
Dad's Mom Midge shows Cocoberry so he gets his Cocoberry from her
Dad's Dad Sky shows Blueberry so he gets his hid from Dad
Maritza and Geofrey had a baby
Norville shows Orangeberry
So Norville's GrandDad Sky on dad's side hides Orangeberry or more recessive
Mom Maritza hides Orangeberry or more recessive
Either way a Blueberry hides Orangeberry (just don't know which Blueberry) so this proves Blueberry is dominant to Orangeberry
To sweeten the pot, Norville had a baby with a Plumberry and got a Tealberry back. So one of his Blueberry ancestors hides Orangeberry and the other Blueberry hides Tealberry or more recessive.