I haven't spoke on the issue of the profile boards in a public forum until now. Myself like everyone else was surprised by the market being taken down. Yes it was a very helpful tool for small markets and private sellers. We will all have to move forward from this. Most people that know me and very few do. Know I do not do drama. When it is taken to the public forum I find it to be Drama. There should of been an agreement made between both creators prier to the release of the boards before all of us got involved.
Callie did what she thought was best for her customer's. From a creator view I understand well the infractions of copy right laws. She is also protecting what she has created. Sometimes things do not work out in business like we want or plan. Business is set up through legal contracts. Even tho this is a virtual world we have to do contracts in the real world
I do agree that the price of the cats requested on the board should have been decided by the Breeder rather to place the price up or not. I was told I had till Saturday to make sure my Sim and my Private store were updated or my Breeders' and I would be taken off the list.
This really bothered me because I am a Co Owner of Saucy Sassy's Deja Vu..I was floored by this. Rene never demanded anything from me before. So why now.. I have thought about this on many levels.. First my Breeders' should not be pushed around. Next we have always focused on small business making things affordable
so our Breeders can bred their cats and enjoy them..3rd I felt bullied . If you know us, we will not stand for people who bully others' .
We did send out a group notice about the profile boards. That was all we could do.It was my Breeders's choice if they wanted to price them or not..
Thinking on this topic today my sister came up with a idea for the Private Seller's. She asked me what I thought about a teleport board on our sim that Private sellers and our customer's that rent with us can use for free. I listened to her and agreed to do this on our sim. Until there is another board put out ( Hoping by KittyCats!) We will offer this teleport board on Saucy Sassy's Deja Vu KittyCats Marketplace for free. KittyCats terminal will be located next to the board. Saucy Spices will need a store logo and your landmark to place in the teleport board. ( No logo's with copy rights to KittyCats! will be accepted )
I hope this will help the Private sellers' that have their own area. I also hope this whole Profile Board mess can be resolved or put to rest..
Hugs and Purrs
Sassy Sugars