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Profilers make playing KittyCats more interesting!
01-14-2017, 05:53 PM
Post: #1
Heart Profilers make playing KittyCats more interesting!
1) More info on a single cat - additional generation!
2) All info before teleport!
3) In a fast search instead of getting lost in forum topics!
4) Possible to see PARENTS for sale!
5) Sorts for all traits!
6) Auction cats!
7) LOVESHACKS !!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

And i could continue more.... and when it got even better allowing ust to see prices before teleports to mostly LAGGY places.... instead of saying "THANK YOU RENE!!!" that happens!!! Did he use that pictures for his own sales??? It was for making easy KittyCats sales, it should be appreciated! Disappointing. I'm sure this thread will be closed as well, but i wanted to tell what i think. Please allow it be as wonderful as it was before, don't ruin everything.
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 Thanks given by: Evolving Yin , catherine10 Resident , Lixy Byron , Barry Ballyhoo , MadyHades Resident , Dimpz Morane , MsMagick Resident
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Messages In This Thread
Profilers make playing KittyCats more interesting! - MoonHowler Snowpaw - 01-14-2017 05:53 PM

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