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Confetti Blueberry recessiveness
01-02-2017, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2017 02:54 AM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #4
Brick RE: Confetti Blueberry recessiveness
Thank you, Alassariah!

Mom Lianna gets Cocoberry from her dad Ridgely. So she hides Blueberry or more recessive from her mom Nacho
Clarke shows Cocoberry as does both is parents but he has to hide Blueberry or more recessive because he and Liana produced a Blueberry.

I'm also going to try something and somebody tell me if my logic is lacking. I am going to treat this like algebra where you have some info and some is missing.
Here is the known info
first column is where the proof is: forum is just forum as you can see the proof on the berry thread. Saga shows the update date if known

forum Appleberry rec to Blueberry
Saga 12/14/16 Appleberry Dom to Grapeberry
forum Appleberry rec to Orangeberry
forum Appleberry rec to Plumberry
Saga 7/16/16 Appleberry Dom to Tealberry

forum Blueberry dom to Appleberry
Saga, no update hist Blueberry dome to Grapeberry (ns)
saga 11/1/2015 Blueberry dome to Plumberry
alson on forum Blueberry dome to Plumberry

forum Cherryberry dom to Lemonberry
Saga 4/1/16 Cherryberry dom Limeberry
forum Cherryberry rec to Orangeberrry
Saga 10/11/15 CherryBerry rec PlumBerry
Saga 11/29/15 Cherryberry dom to Tealberry

Saga 12/14/16 Grapeberry rec to Appleberry
Saga, no update hist Grapeberry rec to Blueberry
Saga 7/11/16 GrapeBerry rec to LemonBerry
Saga 7/16/16 GrapeBerry rec to PlumBerry
Saga 11/23/16 GrapeBerry dom to Pinkberry
forum Grapeberry rec to Orangeberry

forum Lemonberry rec to CherryBerry
Saga 7/11/16 LemonBerry dom to Grapeberry
Saga 11/1/16 Lemonberry dom to Tealberry

Saga 4/1/16 Limeberry rec Cherryberry
forum LimeBerry rec PinkBerry
Saga, no update hist LimeBerry rec PlumBerry
Saga 5/12/16 LimeBerry rec TealBerry

forum Orangeberry dom to Appleberry
forum Orangeberry dome to cherryberry
forum Orangeberry dom to Grapeberry
Saga 1/29/16 Orangeberry dome to Tealberry

Saga 7/16/16 PinkBerry rec PlumBerry
Saga 11/23/16 PinkBerry rec GrapeBerry
forum Pinkberry dom Limeberry

forum Plumberry dom Appleberry
forum Plumberry rec Blueberry
Saga 10/11/15 Plumberry dom Cherryberry
Saga 7/16/16 Plumberry dom Grapeberry
Saga, no update hist Plumberry dom Limeberry
Saga 7/16/16 Plumberry dom Pinkberry
Saga 11/1/15 Plumberry dom to Tealberry

Saga 7/16/16 Tealberry rec to Appleberry
Saga 11/29/15 Tealberry rec to Cherryberry
Saga 11/1/16 Tealberry rec to Lemonberry
Saga 5/12/16 Tealberry dom Limeberry
Saga 1/29/16 Tealberry rec Orangeberry
Saga 11/1/15 Tealberry rec Plumberry

Okay so let's just look at Blueberry
Blueberry dom to Appleberry
Blueberry dome to Grapeberry (ns)
Blueberry dome to Plumberry
Blueberry dome to Plumberry

So to add some more eyes that blueberry is dominant to, I am going to use the following algebra logic
if x dom to y and y dom to z, then x is dom to z

Blueberry is dom to Appleberry so it has to be dom to anything Appleberry is dom to
Blueberry dom to Appleberry dom to Tealberry
So Blueberry is dom to Tealberry

Blueberry is dom to Grapeberry so it has to be dom to anything Grapeberry is dom to
Blueberry dom to GrapeBerry dom to Pinkberry
So Blueberry is dom to Pinkberry

Blueberry is dom to Plumberry so it has to be dom to anything Plumberry is dom to
Blueberry is dom to Plumberry dom Cherryberry
Blueberry is dom to Plumberry dom Limeberry
So Blueberry is dom to CherryBerry and Limeberry

Since Blueberry is dom to Cherryberry which is dom to Lemonberry
Blueberry is dom to Lemonberry

Ivy Lane also made this handy chart of where things are at
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4185]

So the only question is Orangeberry as it is showing dom to some of the same eyes Blueberry is dom to but I don't see it recessive to anything. I am thinking there might be a Plumberry vs Orangeberry chart out there but don't see it on Saga or the forum.

Does that seem correct? I know the assumption is Blueberry is most dominant after Cocoberry but Orangeberry looks like a hole that needs to be plugged. If I missed seeing a chart on Saga or on the forum that Orangeberry is proven recessive to something, let me know or if you have such a chart, please post it on the Orangeberry thread (and whichever color it is showing recessive to). I know Eleanor showed a chart where an Orangeberry had a Blueberry, Appleberry, Plumberry and Orangeberry children but the Orangeberry could have thrown a more recessive hid unless one of those kids proved to have Orangeberry hid like that Plum.

Anyways that's my question for the day. Since I can get OCD, I'll probably use the same logic and go through each color unless someone tells me this logic of x dom to y dom to z means x is dom to z also is unsound.

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 Thanks given by: Alassariah Resident , Priestess Firanelli
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RE: Confetti Blueberry recessiveness - Kayla Woodrunner - 01-02-2017 06:33 PM

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