You never showed any proof of Pipins hidden. You never even stated what it might be. Without charts showing what Pipin hides the proof means nothing. We need to see Pipins chart to back up your claim. Assuming the parent in question shows cognac and hides tap royale we need to see that proof as well and know 100% that Pipin cannot hide something rec to ody Bellini.
It's a multi chart complicated proof but currently it's missing the most important information.
Looking at the charts we need proof Richarda hides Tap royale. That will complete the proof and place cognac
(12-26-2016 07:35 PM)Arella Ohmai Wrote: Pippin could only hide cognac or Tap royal, both are dom to Ody bellini, so ody bellini or something more recessive had to come from rapunzle looking back Jo Jo, Rapunzle's mother was proven to hide Exotic Breeze which is more recessive to Ody Bellini, which could be the only way the offspring of Coldagh and jason gave us ody bellini.