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New Pumpkin Eyes recessiveness
12-24-2016, 11:17 AM
Post: #41
RE: New Pumpkin Eyes recessiveness
(12-24-2016 09:51 AM)HappyDaize Resident Wrote:  Well, my Prismatic-eyed test cat has revealed that she hid Moss instead of Pumpkin.
So, back we go. Try try again.
I currently have two pairs set up to produce more test boxes of Prismatic x Pumpkin.

I'm hoping Arwen's kitty comes through for us with a proof. I'll pick up these pairs asap once that happens. Wink

Mine still might as today she chose not to give us a christmas gift and passed her shown Prismatic so maybe for New Year she will place Pumpkin for us.

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 Thanks given by: HappyDaize Resident , Kayla Woodrunner , Brunabug Nightfire
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RE: New Pumpkin Eyes recessiveness - Arwen Swordthain - 12-24-2016 11:17 AM

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