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soul sparkle dom to?
12-18-2016, 09:11 PM
Post: #1
soul sparkle dom to?
so soul sparkle is dom to ody bell
so if i bred two kitties with those eyes ill get soulsparkle back?

what if i had either crystal berry or strawberry bell eyes the soul sparkle would be dom to them also?

im lost! Huh

it's one of those evenings..

if anyone could kindly help me i would be very grateful Smile Heart

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LazyCatS Market Co-Owner

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soul sparkle dom to? - kittyclawz Resident - 12-18-2016 09:11 PM
RE: soul sparkle dom to? - Ivy Norsk - 12-18-2016, 09:35 PM
RE: soul sparkle dom to? - Ivy Norsk - 12-19-2016, 11:52 AM

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