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9T Russian Black, glitter, Ody Dream Eyes at Kitty Kottage at 10 a.m.
06-17-2012, 06:45 AM
Post: #1
Rainbow 9T Russian Black, glitter, Ody Dream Eyes at Kitty Kottage at 10 a.m.
?Onyx Dreams
Fur: Russian - Black
Eyes: Odyssey Dream (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Boo Boo
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Just like the classic little black dress, everyone needs the perfect little black russian to dress up their cattery. This gorgeous 9 trait black russian girl with perfect Odyssey Dreams eyes and a glitter shade will do that with style! She even comes with a few hidden surprises, namely a porcelain shade from her Daddy and a 50/50 chance at a russian white fur and soft fold ears. On auction today at 10 a.m. at Kitty Kottage
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9T Russian Black, glitter, Ody Dream Eyes at Kitty Kottage at 10 a.m. - Sami Frostbite - 06-17-2012 06:45 AM

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