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KittyCatS! Updater 1.56: give inventory failure: grey goo fence: rapid or recursive
10-07-2016, 06:43 AM
Post: #10
RE: KittyCatS! Updater 1.56: give inventory failugrey goo fence: rapid or recursive
(10-07-2016 12:54 AM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote:  And finally, another new effect of LIVE cats and the grey goo error. I said before that it was only boxes having the problem. Well, I had several live breeders that stopped talking to the KC server after they were updated to 1.56. None of the health tags above a live cat were changing. I noticed this when Happiness remained at 96% overnight. I have no milk rezzed on my land. And Love was also stuck, not increasing. These live cats showed Version 1.56 also, so I thought they were not broken by the update. I was wrong.

Sticking all my live cats into the Cattery and back again, fixed the data update problem. I wonder how many others breeders think all is well because it looks like it worked. If you ever get a grey goo fence error from the updater, the cat is not updated and is possibly damaged, no matter what the version number says.

I have 6 kittens less than 7 days old and am noticing the same thing. They were all above 93% happy this morning... which would never normally happen. Haven't checked my live milk-drinking cats yet. No grey goo fence errors when I updated.

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RE: KittyCatS! Updater 1.56: give inventory failugrey goo fence: rapid or recursive - Barry Ballyhoo - 10-07-2016 06:43 AM

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