RE: KittyCatS! Updater 1.56: give inventory failure: grey goo fence: rapid or recursive
Quick Update -
KittyCats sent me a workaround for the Updater that at least keeps the updating automated. Update 3 boxes, wait 1 min, update 3 more, wait 1 min, etc until all cats found have been updated. Since I found the errors started at the 4th update, this avoids triggering the error, by waiting 1 minute before starting again.
We also did testing at the KC sim, which proved conclusively that the problem is only with my account. Boxes updated with me as the owner created grey goo fence errors for KIttycats as well. Same boxes, transferred to KC as owner, and they all update quickly with no errors. This eliminates the SIM, the viewer, the web connection, etc. My account has very tight grey goo limits placed on it for unknown reasons. Waiting for Linden support to respond, been 2 days now as a 'work in progress'.