RE: Abyssinian Ruddy Recessivness
WHat are your Tawny eyes, Reven? I have this boy if one does not show up that is closer in love
♂ Jerryl DevaDalan
҈ 17 days ♥ 32% ☺ 69% ↯ 1% 모☁ 0%
Fur: Bengal - Black
Eyes: Pomegranate (Mysterious|Big)
Shade: Porcelain
Tail: Fussy
Ears: Soft Curl
Whiskers: Latte (Fussy)
Size: 46 cm (18.1 inch)
Poor guy is a failed test. His dad had Pomegranate shown and his mom had Ody Cognac Moon shown but mom passed her Dry Olive instead of OCM. So it goes. Testing his sister now.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill