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Moar brown eyes, please!
05-28-2012, 08:45 AM
Post: #14
Smile RE: Moar brown eyes, please!
I think that's a great idea!!!!

and I love your colour suggestions Smile

(04-11-2012 08:00 PM)Rubianne Ellison Wrote:  I'm a huge fan of the mocha and ody terra eyes.

There are tons of blues and greens and pinks and purples for eye colors, but only one real brown, which is now retired. Huh I think that it being so dominant has also contributed to it not being so popular, despite the fact that it looks stunning on so many furs.
My suggestion (or wish) is that we have more brown eyes of varied recessiveness...like a hot chocolate, a gold flecked amber, a hazel, or a brown that's almost black.

Bea Shamrock, Kitty carer and breeder

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ordinary cats"
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Moar brown eyes, please! - Nenya Eun - 04-12-2012, 12:41 AM
RE: Moar brown eyes, please! - Saga Felix - 04-12-2012, 06:40 AM
RE: Moar brown eyes, please! - Bea Shamrock - 05-28-2012 08:45 AM

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