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Request - Default Box Renaming to ID No.
05-22-2012, 10:11 PM
Post: #22
RE: Request - Default Box Renaming to ID No.
The Cattery is the best solution I see to the problem of lost boxes. Of course, that means giving up on naming boxes entirely since the Cattery erases all box names.

If you put ALL boxes in the Cattery, those boxes on the Pedigree which do not show in the Cattery are lost.

The Pedigree does not indicate which boxes are in the Cattery, and which are not: so you'll need to click each one. This is time-consuming and could be eliminated by adding a Cattery field to the Pedigree roster page.

Once you're sure every box you have is in the Cattery, any time you click on a Pedigree-listed box to view its tree, if that box does not show as being in the Cattery, it's lost.

I expect a lot of people have lost a lot of boxes.

To complicate matters, some of those "lost" boxes are not really lost .. they could have been given to someone else who has never rezzed them, so the change of ownership never got recorded.

As more and more people realize the best place for boxes is the Cattery, more and more will find they've lost quite a number of boxes; so it might be a good idea for KittyCats to offer guidance on bulk lost-box ticket submissions to streamline that end of the process.
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RE: Request - Default Box Renaming to ID No. - Tad Carlucci - 05-22-2012 10:11 PM

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