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Kitty Kollege Class 9am Sunday!!
05-20-2012, 07:53 AM
Post: #1
Kitty Kollege Class 9am Sunday!!
Sunday Morning at Kitty Kollege!

We invite everyone to join us at Kitty Kottage Sunday @ 9am for another in our series of informative classes for kitty owners and breeders!

Sunday's topic is a Back to Basics & Breeding with Starters. We'll also hold our normal open Q&A session afterwards, so bring your cats/questions and we'll help figure things out together!

Hope to see you here! Starts at 9am!

Kitty Kollege Pawfessor, Kitty Kottage
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Kitty Kollege Class 9am Sunday!! - Liriel Garnet - 05-20-2012 07:53 AM

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