(05-12-2016 11:13 AM)Beloved Ruby Wrote: Dear KittyCatS Team,
I think this gift of all of us having a Mega Special Baby to be a wonderful treat to us all as a community. I highly doubt other breedables show as much care as KittyCatS! do for its community and this is one of the many reasons why we remain loyal to KittyCatS!
Not only do we get such beautiful collections, completely artistic expressions of love and dedication, but also -- this time around -- we all got an extra bonus: Megapuss collectible babies. I personally feel very grateful to have found KittyCatS and I am sure the whole community feels the same.
These KittyCatS! are part of our family, we love them and care for them and have fun breeding them and trying to get them traited to our hearts desire. The variety of breeds and traits also makes it fun for us to custom design our kitties with our favorite traits and along the ride, enjoy the process.
The fact that all sizes are completely random make it special as well, but this time around you have gifted us with a magnificent Kitty, to keep, love and display, and surely a forever perma pet in the future or even if kept boxed an extraordinary selection to keep.
Thank you for caring about us, the community, the way you do and in all you do. Not only because we are getting mega babies, but also because of everything else you do to enhance our experience with KittyCatS! I highly doubt many others do, or care for that matter, about us all the way you do.
Thank you KittyCatS!, Equinox, Callie, Kitten and the rest of the CSR's who on a daily basis help, assist and make our experience a richer one. And of course, thank you for this very special gift.
Much love and success always,
Beloved Ruby
Beloved Ruby, unfortunately you don't speak for everybody in the community.
I am dissapointed. I bought 6 KittyCorns from KC and was looking forward to that special offspring as a
normal sized kitten. I bought these 6 kitties for 790 linden so I think it would be fair to the community to let the offspring be a megapuss or be normal sized if they want to (I was told to send a ticket if I did not want a MegaPuss offspring. I did send a ticket but was told that I have to accept the MegaPuss. So here we are, not everybody in the community wants a megapuss. In fact there are people out there who have a different opinion.
I am sad but I am afraid I will sell my KittyCorns offspring.