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Scared to cuddle my kitty
03-13-2011, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2011 02:17 PM by Monica Querrien.)
Post: #1
Scared to cuddle my kitty
I don't know if this is just me or what...but sometimes when I detach my kitty after cuddling her, she gets put underneath the root directory, and I am not able to remove her from it. The first time it happened, I was able to contact support and get her restored. The second time it happened, I kept hitting the "restore to last position" option until she finally came back inside of my inventory.

Today when I cuddled her (which I haven't been doing lately cause of what happened), I detached her, and she isn't in my inventory at all. As I type, I'm reloading my inventory to see if she will come back.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong...when I first got my cat, I would tp with her as I shopped. I stopped doing that when I first had the issue. The second time, I would walk around my house with her, cuddling her until I was ready to put her back down. And today I sat in a chair briefly with her before walking back to her home location.

I know the object below the root folder has happened before to others, and I know people have had items missing from inventory. I shop practically every day and have had all sorts of things happen to me, but this seems to be a persistent issue with me.

The new St Patty's day cats are out, and I wanted to get at least one more cat so that I can start breeding...maybe even give a few cats to my friends. But now I'm worried that this is going to happen again when I hold my cat...and when my friends see I am having this much problems (and how worried I get), they might not want to be bothered with the cats. And I really like my cat Sad
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Messages In This Thread
Scared to cuddle my kitty - Monica Querrien - 03-13-2011 02:17 PM
RE: Scared to cuddle my kitty - KittyCatS - 03-13-2011, 07:13 PM

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