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Jewel count
04-02-2016, 07:09 PM
Post: #1
Jewel count
I just sold some jewels, however, despite selling them, they are still showing in my jewel count. I do know that the buyer has rezzed them.
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Messages In This Thread
Jewel count - JessicaArianaHamby Resident - 04-02-2016 07:09 PM
RE: Jewel count - jc aferdita - 04-03-2016, 08:42 AM
RE: Jewel count - Tad Carlucci - 04-03-2016, 11:51 AM
RE: Jewel count - Tad Carlucci - 04-03-2016, 05:22 PM
RE: Jewel count - Melodie Jigsaw - 04-03-2016, 10:07 PM
RE: Jewel count - LibGwen Resident - 04-04-2016, 05:43 AM
RE: Jewel count - Luckylady Llewellyn - 04-14-2016, 08:49 AM
RE: Jewel count - Tad Carlucci - 04-14-2016, 10:19 AM

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