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KittyCats tools wanted!
03-30-2012, 06:11 AM
Post: #1
KittyCats tools wanted!
From what I know and have been told the encryption system or whatever is being used, prevents some tools from actually being built by us the consumers and builders. (Im not a builder so bare with me!)

First tool, which quite frankly could/would benefit both the breeders and KC support, would be a box server.

The way I imagine it working is like this:

You get a box, and you place it in the server somehow. In the server the box will get renamed to the cats ID number.
Then you browse your pedigree and want to find a box, and copy the id number and tell that to the server and it sends the box to you.

As I wrote this down it dawned on me that it would be better and easier if the new boxes was named "KittyCatS Box - ID: 8239r2983rj298r23r38", or just the ID.
That way you could use search in your inventory to locate a specific box.
People could still rename them if they wanna continue with their own system of naming them.
But for the lazy people (me is one of them) having the boxes labeled with the ID would rock.

Second tool I would like to see already exists, but in a poor version of what it could be. And that is the pedigree script. Not only is it extremely boring and tedious to copy/paste ids into the pedigrees in world, it is also kinda difficult for someone that never has done it before.
Many auctions come to a halt for a few mins at times because someone dont know how the pedigree works.

So the pedigree-script I wanna see would use the same technology as the potions. As it can see which cat is the closest after you click it, same thing should be able to be used for a pedigree.

Also, will plug my long lasting wish of 0 meter range option for atleast 8 prim cats!

If any of these features, tools or suggestions tickle your interest-bone, please write something here in this thread expressing that!
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 Thanks given by: Giuliana Verrazzano , AmoreJade Cyberstar , Karen Veriander
03-30-2012, 06:20 AM
Post: #2
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
I definitely agree with the "automagic" naming boxes by ID number - that would be very nice for tracking down boxes from your pedigree when you're tired of renaming boxes and/or can't fit all the info you want to put into the name. At least by ID number, I could find the offspring of a particular cat right away. Smile

Also, it *would* be really nice if there was an easy pedigree option - even if it was just that you dropped the pedigree in, had it scan once for the cat nearest, and the script put the ID of the cat in the description FOR you, the owner. (That way the script wouldn't necessarily be scanning for the nearest cat every single time it was touched.)

Great ideas, Rocky!

Auctioneer: Sundae Sweet Treats (Sun 9:30AM) | Feline Fun & Games (Mon 9AM)
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03-30-2012, 06:34 AM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2012 06:38 AM by Tad Carlucci.)
Post: #3
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
Adding an in-world query to the Pedigree Script would make it a lot easier for more players to use. At present, the user must obtain the UUID and hand enter it. For lives, the UUID can be found in-world in the Whiskers prim in the cat's linkset .. so it's hard to locate and requires special knowledge not all players have. Otherwise, and for all boxes, the only sources of the UUID is the Pedigree View page and the Local Chat text, where it's readily visible.

Placing the UUID in the Object Name field for boxes would greatly simplify both Area Search and Inventory Search when locating a specific boxes. This, too, is a user convenience feature. At present the user must find the UUID on the Pedigree View page. At present, the only way to locate a specific box is to rez all boxes and search, one-by-one by trait .. cross checking with the Pedigree View page to ensure the proper box is located. This is very time consuming and error-prone. The only reliable identifier presently available is the UUID since the box does not send name-change transactions to the server .. the Pedigree site calls all boxes "Box" (in the age area, leaving the name area blank) to matter what name the box may have in-world. That boxes could do this is proven by the fact that passing one to an ALT and rezzing it causes ownership to change on the server .. so boxes can speak, they just don't.

Providing box storage on the server is something which could be considered. It would alleviate any risk of loss due to LL's continual Inventory and Asset server issues. I've thought about it in the past and, if I were ever to write my own breedable, I'd do it .. but it would be a nominal fee (probably L$10) to retrieve a box from the server. Placing the UUID in the object name field of the box would obviate the need for server-side storage, but the risk-of-loss prevention might be enough to justify the feature.

Posing a cat, or turning off Walk, already provides "0 meter range". But it does remind me: did they ever fix the range bugs which allowed cats to leave their assigned ranges? I don't know because we turned off Walk for all our cats long ago to prevent them leaving their range and wandering all over our sim until they went off-world and were returned to our Lost and Found.
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03-30-2012, 06:35 AM
Post: #4
Thumbs Up RE: KittyCats tools wanted! Brilliant Ideas!!
I am So happy someone came to terms of explaining these things. I always seem to forget the forums are available to such requests. Wtg Rocky!

I totally support the cat ID for the box name idea and not to mention the 0 meter range! THAT would really make my life so much easier!Heart

I would add up to be able to separate boxes from alive cats more easily on the pedigree page. I know we can sort them through the drop down menus but i think it would be easier if the boxes wouldn't always load on top by default.

One last thing, i know it's challenging scripts but, would it be possible to automatically accept animations from our own cats? Having to accept the animation every time you want to cuddle does my head in!

Thanks Rocky for the reminder of the use of the forums for these requests! I hope they all get taken under careful consideration!

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03-30-2012, 06:37 AM
Post: #5
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
I second this!

These are the kind of tools we are not able to create ourselves, but would save a huge amount of time for big-time breeders.

Great post Rocky!
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03-30-2012, 06:50 AM
Post: #6
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
Auto-accept of the scripted attachment is not possible and should NOT be possible since it's an anti-griefing/avatar-security feature of Second Life.
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03-30-2012, 06:53 AM
Post: #7
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
(03-30-2012 06:34 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  Adding an in-world query to the Pedigree Script would make it a lot easier for more players to use. At present, the user must obtain the UUID and hand enter it. For lives, the UUID can be found in-world in the Whiskers prim in the cat's linkset .. so it's hard to locate and requires special knowledge not all players have. Otherwise, and for all boxes, the only sources of the UUID is the Pedigree View page and the Local Chat text, where it's readily visible.

Placing the UUID in the Object Name field for boxes would greatly simplify both Area Search and Inventory Search when locating a specific boxes. This, too, is a user convenience feature. At present the user must find the UUID on the Pedigree View page. At present, the only way to locate a specific box is to rez all boxes and search, one-by-one by trait .. cross checking with the Pedigree View page to ensure the proper box is located. This is very time consuming and error-prone. The only reliable identifier presently available is the UUID since the box does not send name-change transactions to the server .. the Pedigree site calls all boxes "Box" (in the age area, leaving the name area blank) to matter what name the box may have in-world. That boxes could do this is proven by the fact that passing one to an ALT and rezzing it causes ownership to change on the server .. so boxes can speak, they just don't.

Posing a cat, or turning off Walk, already provides "0 meter range". But it does remind me: did they ever fix the range bugs which allowed cats to leave their assigned ranges? I don't know because we turned off Walk for all our cats long ago to prevent them leaving their range and wandering all over our sim until they went off-world and were returned to our Lost and Found.

I'm not really sure about the things you write here about finding the UUID number for the cats in the whiskers. Both live cats and boxes do give the ID number when you click info for the cat in the local chat. Did you mean this could be a way for a 3rd party scripter to build a server box?

And posing a cat or turning off walk is not 0 meter range the way I see it, as it can still breed, this is why 0 meter range is wanted so furiously from me. No mistake boxes in your shop (easier to sell a 100% love cat imo), and you wouldnt need to seperate your cats at home if they get close to breeding and you havent partnered them all.
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03-30-2012, 09:30 AM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2012 09:35 AM by Tad Carlucci.)
Post: #8
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
A script can get the UUID from the description field of the whiskers prim of a live cat. Not that that is of much use to the script. There is no way for a script to get the local chat text so no way got it to to get the UUID for a box.

I have a "server box" I wrote which works fine for personal use but depends upon the object name. I got it to the proof-of-concept phase and dropped it because I have more interesting projects going and I'm not ready to set up the external web site so it really only works because I have a web server on localhost here. I s'pose I could brush it off and finish it up if the boxes ever give a reliable UUID which does not depend upon user interaction. But as it stands now, the storage box is fairly useless.

I see what you want a 0-range for. What I do for Charm is make a bunch for 4x4 parcels. She puts a pair in the parcel with range to In Parcel to prevent breeding accidents. One of the parcels is "bachelors" and another is "spinsters" to prevent accidental breeding, and the remainder of the sim is one large parcel where she can place cats for random pairings or by limit breeding by specifically setting partners. The advantage of the 4x4 parcels is she can change her mind right up to box production and no longer needs break-up juice to do so. The disadvantage is it requires a lot of space .. private sim owners have that .. but I'd guess most players dont.

ETA: Charms says small players could rent small stalls at a bunch of sims. That works but you have to remember all those sims! (She'd need dozens of stalls on different parcels or different sims and THAT would be unmanagable. Smile )
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04-11-2012, 10:09 PM
Post: #9
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
Bump for getting boxes to be named by their ID.
Bump for 0 range option.
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04-12-2012, 05:19 AM
Post: #10
RE: KittyCats tools wanted!
perfect idea!

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